10 - 21 Aug 2025
Cairo (Egypt)
Hotel : Holiday Inn & Suites Cairo Maadi, an IHG Hotel
Cost : 6000 € Euro
This course is designed to develop leadership skills by exploring best practices adopted by globally successful leaders to improve organizational performance. We will focus on guiding teams, creating positive influence, and applying innovative leadership strategies suited for local and global markets. Through case studies and practical tools, you will gain the skills needed to enhance your work environment and achieve peak performance.
Determine best practices of leaders through history and how to apply them today.
Articulate an understanding of what leadership means in your business.
Explain your leadership capabilities and areas for personal development.
Determine your role as an effective leader in any organization.
Describe a change management model for management and the process of planning, communicating, and implementing change.
Describe how to build and rebuild trust in an organization.
Use personal influence and develop political savvy to network and influence people effectively.
Develop strategies for creating a positive work environment that fosters leadership and a commitment to continuous improvement in others.
Develop a Personal and Professional Vision and Communicate it to all stakeholders.
Tap into an "inner power" to gain self-confidence and strength.
Get the most productivity out of each constituent (worker or other).
Delegate and Empower employees to maximize results and time management.
Develop a culture that earns respect through new ideas and innovation.
This conference is an interactive mixture of lectures, discussion groups, activities, and practice on various exercises, and video sequences. It provides the latest instructional technologies to enable the delegate to learn and apply the skills and techniques used in the conference.
Attending this conference will allow delegates to gain important skills and an understanding of what a leader truly is and how a leader leads effectively. This program includes many of the best practices used in business and government today and demonstrates how a delegate can use these techniques to build a strong fellowship. By focusing on the art of leading, the delegates should be stronger in the areas of visioning, inspiring, decision making, and changing their respective organizations for the better.
To impact their respective organizations, leaders need to know how to foster business growth through more productive people and innovative ideas. This program advances the leadership techniques learned in the program with hands-on, case studies and illustrations of how to apply these skills to build a more robust organization.
Develop essential leadership qualities to enable growth and capacity to lead
Develop a Leadership Balance
Build a following by building trust
How to transform people into productive followers
The ability to change other people and change your paradigm
Insight into your leadership style
Becoming a well-rounded leader in everything in Life
Build a plan for your future
Lead by example
Apply personal growth techniques
Manage your time and resources more effectively
Command respect
Module 1:
Leadership, Influence & Trust – Creating Professional Strategies
Day 1: How a Leader Leads From Within
Ways to Increase Self Knowledge
Self Reflection and self-esteem
Understand how you Think
The Character of a Leader
Creating an Environment of Leadership
Real Leaders are emotionally intelligent
Guide to your Inner Leader
Balance in mind, body, and spirit
Day 2: Leadership and Influence: What do they mean?
Course Introduction
Leadership roles
Self Assessment: Leadership Behaviors
Leadership from Within
Paradigms that Guide Thinking
Three Lenses of Leadership
Day 3: The Role of a Change Leader
Making the change transition
Responses to Change
How to be resilient during change times
Environmental change agents
Change and Leadership Paradigms
Communicating Change
The Human Side of Change
Day 4: How a Leader Fosters a Leadership Environment
Mind and action focus
The Alliance Mindset
Developing the Win-Win Solution
Tips on improving performance
Strategies for Fostering Leadership
Leadership knowledge check
Essential leadership qualities
Success questions
Action steps to take
Day 5: How a Leader Builds Trust
What is Trust?
The Benefits of a High Trust Environment
Trust-reducing behaviors
Restoring breached the trust
Building Capacity for Trust
Personal Influence and Political Savvy
Negotiating Agreement
Module 2:
Leadership, Creativity & Peak Performance
Day 6: Creating and Implementing a Leadership Communication Strategy
The leader is a Visionary
The Power of Creative Vision
The Leader's Influence on Culture
How a leader facilitates the path to a Culture
Implementing a Leadership Communication approach
Models of best-run Visionary Companies
Day 7: How Effective Leaders Control their “Inner Power”
Guide to knowing your leadership strengths
How Leaders use their Emotional Intelligence
Understanding the Leaders base of Power
Understanding “Spiritual Capital”
Leaders Influence people - employees, peers, and senior managers
Managing your body and mind effectively
Day 8: How a Leader Develops People
Secrets to involve others
Best Practices of effective Mentors and Coaches
The Motivating Leader
The need for achievement, power, and affiliation
Expectancy theory and motivation
How a leader Creates an environment for self-motivation
Day 9: How a Leader uses Resources More Effectively
Best Practices to effectively delegate
The benefits of delegation
The barriers to delegation
Delegation Vs Empowerment
Creating the climate for empowerment
Using goal setting, time management, planning, and prioritizing
Day 10: How a Leader Builds an Innovative Culture
The Leader as a Creative Thinker
Building a Culture of Innovation and new ideas
Challenging self-imposed assumptions
Putting Best Practices into Practice
Case study: Uniquely driven
Guide to Building a Personal Leadership Plan