3 - 14 Nov 2025
Cape Town (South Africa)
Hotel : DoubleTree by Hilton Cape Town - Upper Eastside
Cost : 9520 € Euro
In today’s tough global market, it is vital that HR and Training instigate the best practices and take advantage of recent innovations to really add value to the organization. During the seminar, you will find out not only what’s new but also how innovative practices can be implemented and the way they will benefit your organization in either the public or private sectors.
This seminar will feature:
Explanation of the main theories surrounding the development of effective HR
The theories are then put into practice by the use of practical exercises
Mixing theory and practice
Practice using new techniques to transform any training activity
Learn from practices in top companies that surpass “Best Practice”
Gain a holistic view of the entire training function
The Oxford HRM and Training Programme is offered in two parts that complement each other:
MODULE I - Human Resources Development and Personnel Management
MODULE II - The Training Analyst
Each module is structured and can be taken as a stand-alone course; however, delegates will maximize their benefits by taking Module 1 and 2 back-to-back as a two-week seminar.
Upon completion of the course, delegates will:
Develop an understanding of human resources development and personnel management practices
Develop awareness of the advantages of effective human resource management
To develop an awareness of key HR and HRD strategies for improving organizational success
Demonstrate trends and do efficiency analysis
Set up and effectively measure any element of delivered training & be able to demonstrate training efficiency
Measure skills, knowledge, behavior, competency, style, self-belief, attitudes, and personality
The training methodology used is designed to encourage maximum participation by all delegates. The presenter will suggest ideas and theories to the delegates and then encourage them to test out the ideas through the use of discussion, small group work, exercises, and feedback. Case studies, DVDs, group exercises, and worked examples will all be used in a relaxed and enjoyable learning environment.
Organizations using these techniques will get more for their training spend
It provides an efficient audit trail
It can provide a basis for how training is funded; punished or rewarded for its results
Lower staff turnover and more effectiveness in selection and assessment
More commitment from the workforce
You will find out how to analyze and evaluate - everything
You will be able to use the latest techniques and models that are proven
You will be able to produce hard data on training effectiveness and individual application
You will know how to critically evaluate current HR practices
You will be able to introduce an effective recruitment process
You will understand how to get people to work more effectively
Module I
Human Resources Development and Personnel Management
Introduction to HRM, HRD, and HRP
Seminar introduction and objectives
The context for HR
Change management
Human Resource Management V Personnel Management
Human Resource Development (HRD)
Human Resource Planning (HRP)
Strategic HRM – the new HR Strategic Model
Resourcing & Recruitment
The employment psychological contract
Why do good people leave?
The process approach to interviewing
Induction, job descriptions and references
Personality Questionnaires and forms of testing
Methods of detecting when applicants don’t tell the truth
The new recruitment process to avoid litigation
The value of using assessment centers
Pay & Employee Reward
Employee motivation
Salary, bonuses & benefits
Understanding competencies
Competency-based Assessment
Competency and performance-based pay
Different structures – different pay and rewards
Total pay concept
Salary surveys
Training Learning & Development
Career management
Personal development
How flat organizational structures and empowered teams affect training and development
Self Development
360-degree feedback as a development tool
Value for money from HR
The new HR structure
New roles within HR
HR Business Partners
Value of trend analysis and HRP
Internal and External Frameworks
Proving ROI on HR activities
Module II
The Training Analyst
The Added Value Role of Today’s Training Analyst
What value does training offer – group exercise
The need for training to produce measurable results
It’s vital to know who your customer is
Establishing a training process that works and is auditable –the new schema
Mastering training costs and budgets –group exercise
Managing and being accountable for training expenditure
Adding value through training activities – examples
The role of the training analyst – presentations
How People Learn and Barriers To Learning
Learning style and their impact on training courses
How we can inexpensively measure learning style –demonstration
Personality and its impact on training results –the big five explained
What can training realistically achieve – case study and discussion
Can you overcome learning difficulties?
Critical times to get the best from training – more time in the classroom is not always the answer – demonstration
Retention and its critical role in what we can remember
Motivation factors in learning – what can we do differently?
Specifying and Constructing Training Properly
What are learning outcome objectives and why do we need them?
How to write learning outcome objectives – group exercise
The documents needed for any training course –the critical documents
Maximizing the use of visual aids and other aids
How to calculate the room size needed and the screen size
Sound and its part in aiding learning
The benefit of using specific training videos – examples
Use of “clipped” video sequences – examples
Training Analysis - The Key Areas of Measurement
Budget spent and the monitoring of costs
Creating value from training –examples
Understanding fully how competency frameworks work
Setting standards for competency and measuring competency improvement
What is performance – is it related to competency?
Measuring improvements after training –how to do it
Competence + performance = productivity
Software needed to measure competence and performance – also automating TNA
DAY 10
Measuring and Reporting Training Results
Formulas needed (added value) and unit costs
Maximizing but controlling training activities
The new leadership role of training
Dealing with uncertainty during training
Case studies showing training success
Should training functions be profit centers
What is the role of end-of-course questionnaires?
Your actions when returning to work