21 - 25 Jul 2025
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Hotel : Grand Hotel Amrâth Amsterdam
Cost : 5500 € Euro
Feedback is a powerful tool for self-discovery and growth. This program equips you with the skills to navigate feedback effectively, both as a giver and receiver. Learn to solicit, analyze, and utilize feedback to gain valuable insights into your strengths and develop strategies to optimize your performance.
This program is designed for individuals who want to:
Develop a growth mindset and embrace feedback for improvement.
Master the art of giving and receiving constructive feedback effectively.
Utilize feedback to improve communication, collaboration, and teamwork.
Gain valuable insights into their performance and identify areas for development.
Translate feedback into actionable steps for achieving personal and professional goals.
By the end of this program, participants will be able to:
Define the importance of feedback in the self-awareness development process.
Identify different types of feedback and their effectiveness.
Develop strategies for soliciting constructive feedback from various sources.
Apply frameworks for providing clear, specific, and actionable feedback.
Utilize feedback to set SMART goals and create an action plan for improvement.
Day 1:
The Power of Feedback for Growth
Understanding the role of feedback in enhancing self-awareness and performance.
Differentiating between constructive criticism and unhelpful feedback.
The benefits of a growth mindset for receiving and utilizing feedback effectively.
Case studies: Examining positive examples of utilizing feedback for growth.
Setting personal goals for developing effective feedback skills.
Day 2:
Soliciting Meaningful Feedback
Developing strategies to effectively request constructive feedback from colleagues and superiors.
Formulating open-ended questions to elicit valuable insights.
Understanding the importance of context and timing when soliciting feedback.
Overcoming the fear of negative feedback and fostering a culture of open communication.
Interactive exercises: Practicing techniques for effective feedback requests.
Day 3:
The Art of Giving Constructive Feedback
Structuring clear, concise, and specific feedback that is actionable.
Focusing on behavior and providing specific examples for improvement.
Delivering feedback in a positive and respectful manner.
The importance of active listening and focusing on the recipient's goals.
Role-playing exercises: Practicing providing constructive feedback in different scenarios.
Day 4:
Analyzing and Utilizing Feedback
Strategies for objectively analyzing feedback from different sources.
Identifying recurring themes and patterns in the feedback received.
Differentiating between valuable insights and personal opinions.
Developing an action plan to address areas identified for improvement.
Group discussions: Strategies for effectively utilizing feedback for personal growth.
Day 5:
Building a Feedback Culture
The importance of creating a safe space for open communication and feedback exchange.
Strategies for fostering a growth mindset within teams.
Integrating feedback mechanisms into performance management practices.
Promoting continuous learning and development through ongoing feedback.
Action planning: Developing strategies to cultivate a culture of feedback within your team or organization