14 - 18 Jul 2025
London (UK)
Hotel : Landmark Office Space - Oxford Street
Cost : 5500 € Euro
This course examines the renewed emphasis on running organizations leaner, effectively and efficiently. The renewed pressure to reduce cost as well as investment, while maintaining customer service levels is essential in world-class performance. Inventory Management is still one of the least understood practices in many companies and managers often fail to see the causal link between Inventory Management and good business results.
In addition, the mechanistic review of Min/Max reorder points will lead to disappointing results and in capital intensive companies, the value of spares in inventory often exceeds the value of all other inventory combined. Huge investments, excessive costs and low availability of stock often cause a knee-jerk reaction instead of adopting sound inventory management principles.
This course will feature:
Day 1:
Inventory in the Value Chain
Day 2:
Demand Planning
Day 3:
Day 4:
Inventory Recording
Day 5:
Performance Measurement