24 - 28 Nov 2025
London (UK)
Hotel : Landmark Office Space - Oxford Street
Cost : 5500 € Euro
Program Objectives:
By the end of the program, participants will be able to:
Recognize the contracting stages from setting the scope of work to awarding the contract.
Evaluate, in-depth, the process of preparing tenders and selecting potential suppliers.
Identify the issues involved in assessing tenders for quality as well as value for money including e-Auction.
Apply several approaches to bid evaluation using criteria, weights and scoring measures.
All those involved in the early stages of contracting for them to review and have a full understanding of the tendering process as well as the different approaches to tender evaluation and assessment. This program is worth 25 NASBA CPEs.
Stages in Contracting
Taking Stock of Our Situation
Tendering Procedures
Homework Stage
Invitation to Tender
Tender Evaluation Principles
Evaluation Plan
Tender Evaluation Report
On-Line Reverse Auction
Debriefing Unsuccessful Bidders