23 - 27 Feb 2025
Dubai (UAE)
Hotel : Residence Inn by Marriott Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai
Cost : 4500 € Euro
Too often company executives and professionals spend most of their time fixing day-to-day problems. They react to problems, rather than focusing on what they would like the company to be and then on making it happen. This program focuses on changing the way we think from reacting (responding to day-to-day problems, fixing and repairing) to developing plans for what we want to have happened and then implementing the plans.
In attending this course, you will gain the skills necessary to change your management approach from letting things happen to make things happen the way we want. These are necessary skills and key issues for anyone who is involved in:
Developing a new company/division/department
Improving the performance of an existing company/division/department when faced with a major change in business conditions
Balancing financial and non-financial objectives and goals
Growing an existing company/division/department
Planning his/her own career more carefully.
The central objectives of this course are as follows:
Learn how to develop a plan to achieve the goals you want for you and your company, and develop strategic thinking in your organization/business unit/team.
Determine where you and your company want to be.
Develop a strategic plan for - your organization (company/division/business unit/team and for yourself personally.
Identify the principles and mechanisms that drive successful implementation
Develop measurable action plans that result in success. Identify, measure, and track critical success factors
The approach to the seminar is to combine the formal presentation of the subject matter with class discussion of case studies that illustrate the issues that have just been presented. Some use of video-based material is included. Above all, the seminar leader will refer extensively to examples of strategic analysis and decisions made in companies with which he has been personally involved. This gives a real-life and up-to-date perspective on the subject.
A greater strategic perspective at all levels of the organization
Development of the next generation of strategic leaders
Development of specialist managers who are able and empowered to think strategically.
Better appreciation by functional specialists/managers of the challenges faced by top management in taking a company forward in changing conditions.
Better internal communication at a strategic level within the company/division/business unit/team.
Creating tomorrow’s business out of today’s
Greater confidence in understanding the potential strategic impact of your own current specialist managerial role.
A vital knowledge base in preparing for greater responsibility and a potential move into general management and ultimately into top management.
A better appreciation of the holistic nature of major business decisions.
How to change from reacting to problems to making things happen the way you want for you and your company and to recognize the importance of planning what you want to happen instead of reacting to daily problems.
How to simplify—manage 3-5 critical things instead of managing 50-60 unprioritized tasks
How to develop long-term/medium-term/short-term plans.
Day 1:
How We Think: Are we simply allowing things to happen, or are we making them happen the way we want?
What is strategy – core concept and definition of terms
What is a Strategic Plan?
How did we think?
Analytical thinking
Creative thinking
What is a Leader? - The difference between leadership and management
Strategic and operational goals – the significance and difference
Two key roles
Visionary - the role of the Chief Executive Officer
Chief implementer - the role of the Chief Operating Officer
Building a strategy/business planning team
Mini-case 1: tutor presentation and group discussion
Two key roles
Day 2:
Strategic Planning
Review of Day One – questions and answers
Cost-based strategies versus differentiation-based strategies
Concept of the “business model”: the integrated supply-demand chain
Vision, Mission, and Values – case examples, class discussion, and guidelines
Practical group exercise on Vision/Mission statements
Analysis of the business environment (1) – the SPECTER technique
Analysis of the business environment (2) - the 5-forces technique
Mini-case 2: group work and presentation/discussion
Day 3:
Linkage to Marketing and Sales and Strategy Choice
Review of Day Two – questions and answers
How to evaluate market structures, trends, and prospects
SWOT analysis and the strategy matrix
Strategic choice – how to make strategy selection decisions
Marketing plans and sales plans
Market plan – capturing value rather than just volume
Sales plan – how to choose and fulfill market opportunities
Mini-case 3: group discussion
Day 4:
Linkage to the financial dimension
Review of Day Three – questions and answers
Strategic versus operational aspects of finance. The strategic role of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
The issue of financial risk/volatility and its impact on strategy
Globalization of the financial markets
The issue of financial risk/volatility and its impact on strategy
The strategic impact of time compression and shortening life-cycles
Capital-labor substitution, overhead cost, fixed and variable costs, breakeven analysis. The financial aspects of supply chain design – the “value engineering” of fixed and variable cost through outsourcing and “minimal inventory” processes.
Summary – strategic cost analysis
Day 5:
Bringing It All Together
Review of Day Four
Review of the whole course
Strategic choice and critical goals
Marketing and Sales Plans
Operational Plan
Developing Action plans
The importance of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and measurements
Building a business strategy team and gaining buy-in within the organization
The importance of strategic planning aligned throughout an organization and its supply-demand chains. The emerging 21st-century concept of 'dynamic alignment'
The 'death of distance' and the shift of competitiveness from product/service to business model
Final thoughts and conclusions – the future of strategic management