9 - 13 Jun 2025
London (UK)
Hotel : Landmark Office Space - Oxford Street
Cost : 5500 € Euro
Did you know there is a secret language of leadership that determines who reaches the top in politics and business? This course sets out the techniques that you can use to speak like a leader. Public speaking is required in almost every business role, but a variety of factors cause many professionals to struggle when talking in front of an audience. Attend this Public Speaking & Presentation Skills training course and learn to present with confidence!
Speak publicly in a convincing, confident, and concise style
Deliver dynamic and effective presentations
Employ a method to create materials that support a compelling speech
Build audience rapport through eye contact, vocal delivery, and body language
Sharpen your public speaking skills by integrating feedback
Business development teams
Sales staff
Entrepreneurs/business owners
Professional Speakers
Nonprofit leaders
Day (1)
Speak Like a Leader
Six Rhetorical Devices by Lancaster
Breathless x3
Repetition x3
Balance x3
Day (2)
Prepare for success
Write according to the laws of attractions
Secrets to Commanding Attention and Getting Results
How to speak effectively and win over the audience
Prepare your script and rhetoric
Techniques to impress your audience
Day (3)
Designing a professional presentation
The 5 key elements
Problem: what problem?
PowerPoint Its uses and flaws
Other methods of presenting
Day (4)
Delivering a presentation that has an impact
Legs and feet
Arms and hands
Delivering without notes or props
Use of the voice
Facial expressions
The words used
Day (5)
Overcoming anxiety when presenting
Planning and preparation
Top tips for calming nerves
Visualizing success
Think fast and talk smart
8 secrets from Speak Like a CEO
Practice 15-minute sessions