23 - 27 Jun 2025
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Hotel : Grand Hotel Amrâth Amsterdam
Cost : 5500 € Euro
No matter how knowledgeable and competent its individual members may be, a dysfunctional team will undermine organizational goals, sap morale, and waste effort. This seminar focuses on the critical roles of team leader and middle manager in harnessing their team’s potential and introduces and practices techniques for moving the team to peak performance.
Highlights include:
Understanding the role of the leader in team performance
Measuring and managing performance
Creating a shared team vision
Harnessing the dynamics of the team
Optimizing team flexibility and commitment
Understanding your role as a leader
Identifying and leveraging talent within the team
Engaging and motivating the team with shared vision and values
Establishing clear objectives and standards of performance for your team
Measuring and managing team performance
Managing and using conflict and challenge
The seminar uses a range of approaches to learning, including experiential group activities, individual exercises, mini-case studies, role plays, and syndicate discussions. Formal inputs are used to introduce underpinning theory. A key part of the learning process is sharing the differing experiences participants bring, as well as experimenting with a novel – and sometimes challenging – techniques. A psychometric instrument will be used to generate a personality profile, which will contribute to your understanding of your preferences and personal style.
Team leaders and managers who have shared and practiced different ways of performing the key leadership functions offer increased self-awareness, flexibility, and confidence. They are better able to stand back from the everyday detail and focus on longer-term organizational and team needs and can devote more time to investing in future capability.
Participants will be exposed to a range of different approaches to leadership practice, allowing them to select those most suitable for their team’s requirements and the changing situations they together face. The opportunity to share experiences with fellow participants and experiment with new techniques in the safety of the training room will provide a broad spectrum of perspectives.
Experienced team leaders; junior/middle managers new to their role, or with experience but little previous training.
Teams and their Leaders
Teams, leaders, and managers
Key leadership tasks
Influence, authority, and power
Leadership styles and style flexibility
Emotional intelligence and rapport
Vision, Direction & Alignment
Creating a shared vision
Aims, objectives and goal alignment
Developing meaningful objectives and indicators
Divergent approaches to problem-solving
Communicating a compelling vision
Delivering challenging messages
Team Dynamics
Team development
The sociology of the team
Characteristics of high-performing teams
Balancing team roles
Non-traditional team structures
Delegation and empowerment
Developing the Team
Learning and competence
Building a coherent team
Self-managing teams and their challenges
Coaching, mentoring and self-directed learning
Feedback and appraisal
Performance & Conflict Management
Defining performance
Approaches to measuring team and individual performance
Performance through the eyes of the customer
Performance management: science or art?
Conflict as a catalyst for team development
Dealing with challenging interpersonal relations