24 - 28 Mar 2025
London (UK)
Hotel : Landmark Office Space - Oxford Street
Cost : 5500 € Euro
The program opens by exploring the key leadership skills and how to apply them to the organization. Using this initial analysis, the program explores managing yourself as a leader, leading a team, creating breakthroughs through innovative leadership, communicating effectively with others and imparting leadership values to your team members. All attendees will return to their organizations better equipped to meet the challenges and demands of leadership.
This is a fast-paced, dynamic and highly informative advanced leadership program. It seeks to develop and enhance your personal, team and organizational leadership skills.
In this program you will learn how to:
Understand yourself and your leadership style
Practical leadership skills to lead others
Give timely and effective feedback to your team members
Lead your organization to greater heights through innovative and creative ideas
Impart values to your team members via leadership by example
Participants attending the program will:
Learn practical leadership tools and techniques that can be applied immediately
Understand the importance of leadership influence on the team
Develop effective communication skills
Identify ways to generate breakthrough ideas and methods for the team
Identify value-based leadership principles to apply in the workplace
The program uses case studies, interactive and engaging exercises, video clips, and real-world examples from world-class practices in leadership excellence.
Increased knowledge and attitude towards the Leadership role
Greater self-starting employees, and hence less reliance on senior players
More effective teams
Increased creativity and innovation at all levels
Greater personal and team morale due to improving communication skills
Improved Self Awareness as a Leader
Improved Communication; at all points in the hierarchy
Promotes Leadership Best-Practice
Increased creativity and innovation
Encourages balance in all aspects of leadership
Managing myself as a leader
Importance of perception
Intrapersonal & interpersonal skills for the leader
Your preferred behavioral style
Understanding the Model for leadership
Removing emotional blind-spots
Leading a team
Dealing with others
Understanding the stages of human development
Optimizing the leader's natural strengths
Understanding team processes
Building effective teams
Innovative leadership
Openness to innovative ideas
Divergent thinking skills
Removing blocks to creativity
Understanding the creative process
Metaphors and analogies for innovative thinking
Communication for leaders
The positive influence of listening
Sharpening your listening skills
Body language
Inspiring and guiding others
Handling stress appropriately
Imparting leadership values
Leading by example
Resilience for sacrificial leadership
Intentionality for self-motivation
Interpersonal connections for persuasive leadership
Integrity for accountable leadership