31 Mar - 4 Apr 2025
London (UK)
Hotel : Landmark Office Space - Oxford Street
Cost : 5500 € Euro
In today's modern corporation, the leader needs to draw from the well of intellectual capital within their sphere of influence to facilitate productivity and steady growth. Principles and techniques on how leaders do that today are included in this unique program in order to provide the delegate with the essential tools to groom his/her people. These best practice techniques are taken from all areas of business and cultures to provide the delegate with a clear path to putting together a successful organization.
This course allows delegates to understand the best strategies and techniques to adopt in various workplace situations. The ability to strategize and convey organizational goals through effective communication is crucial towards achieving peak performance. Long term success relies on strong leadership within the organization.
This course covers these key areas:
Developing effective communication
Influence and motivate others through exemplary leadership
Techniques to delegate and empower followers
Understanding your preferred leadership style
Building an innovative culture
Determine the best practices of leaders through history and how to apply them today.
Articulate an understanding of what leadership means for in your business.
Explain your leadership capabilities and areas for personal development.
Determine your role as an effective leader in any organization.
Develop strategies for creating a positive work environment that fosters leadership and a commitment to continuous improvement in others.
The seminar will combine presentations with interactive practical exercises so participants can learn the dynamics of leadership styles. Delegates will be encouraged to participate actively in discussions of the case studies for leadership styles and creativity in the workplace, team exercises to develop innovation and creativity, videos to illustrate key learning points, sharing past experiences with other participants to exchange knowledge, and practicing key concepts through role-playing.
Build a strong followership
Learn the art of leading especially in the areas of visioning, inspiring, and decision making
Manage your time and resources more effectively
Command respect by all peers and followers
Insight into your own leadership style
Impact their respective organizations by fostering business growth through more productive people and innovative ideas
Skills to build a more robust organization
Leaders with purpose and vision
Effective utilization of available resources
Motivated leaders to influence followers to achieve organizational goals
Develop essential leadership qualities to enable growth and capacity to lead
How to transform people into productive followers
Apply personal growth techniques
Empower your people
Delegate effectively
Day 1
Creating and Implementing a Leadership Communication Strategy
The leader as a Visionary
The Power of Creative Vision
The Leader's Influence on Culture
How a leader facilitates the path to a Culture
Implementing a Leadership Communication approach
Models of best-run Visionary Companies
Day 2
How Effective Leaders Control their “Inner Power”
Guide to knowing your leadership strengths
How Leaders use their Emotional Intelligence
Understanding the Leaders base of Power
Understanding “Spiritual Capital”
Leaders Influence on people - employees, peers and senior managers
Managing your body and mind effectively
Day 3
How a Leader Develops People
Secrets to involve others
Best Practices of effective Mentors and Coaches
The Motivating Leader
The need for achievement, power, and affiliation
Expectancy theory and motivation
How a leader Creates an environment for self-motivation
Day 4
How a Leader uses Resources more Effectively
Best Practices to effectively delegate
The benefits of delegation
The barriers to delegation
Delegation Vs Empowerment
Creating the climate for empowerment
Using goal setting, time management, planning and prioritizing
Day 5
How a Leader Builds an Innovative Culture
The Leader as a Creative Thinker
Building a Culture of Innovation and new ideas
Challenging self-imposed assumptions
Putting Best Practices into Practice
Case study: Uniquely driven
Guide to Building a Personal Leadership Plan