2 - 6 Nov 2025
Dubai (UAE)
Hotel : Residence Inn by Marriott Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai
Cost : 4900 € Euro
In an increasingly digitalized world, effective labour policy and regulation play a pivotal role in shaping the future of work. Labour is not only at the heart of economic development but also a fundamental driver of social progress. Balancing the needs of the workforce with the demands of the rapidly evolving digital economy is a complex challenge that requires a deep understanding of labour policy and regulation. To address these critical issues, we present the "LABOUR POLICY & REGULATION FOR DIGITAL OCCUPATION" training program.
This 5-day program aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop, implement, and evaluate effective labour policies and regulations in the context of the digital occupation landscape. By the end of this training, participants will:
Understand the Fundamentals: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the purpose and scope of labour regulation and its significance in fostering sustainable development.
Navigate Global Dynamics: Explore international labour standards and global regulations that influence local labour policies and practices.
Intersect of Law and Economics: Analyze the role of law in development, the functioning of labour markets, and the impact of various labour market institutions.
Adaptation for Digital Economy: Comprehend the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the digital economy and its impact on labour regulation.
Inclusivity and Equity: Assess the impact of labour regulation on vulnerable groups within the labour market and explore strategies for inclusive policies.
Globalization and Governance: Understand how global forces like trade, international financial institutions, and supply chains intersect with labour regulation, and the roles of state and social partners in governance.
Apply Knowledge: Participate in interactive discussions, case studies, and workshops to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios and real-world challenges.
This training program is designed for a diverse range of professionals and stakeholders involved in labour policy and regulation, including but not limited to:
Government officials, including labour inspectors and dispute resolution practitioners.
Representatives of workers' and employers' organizations
Human rights practitioners
Staff of multinational enterprises
Staff of international and development organizations
Civil society organizations
Day 1: Introduction and Fundamentals
Introduction to the Course
The Importance of Effective Labour Policy and Regulation
The Purpose and Scope of Labour Regulation
Theories of Development and Their Relevance
Day 2: International Standards and Global Regulation
International Labour Standards
Other Global Regulations of Labour
Role of International Standards in Local Labour Policy
Case Studies on Implementing International Labour Standards
Day 3: Law, Economics, and Labour Markets
The Role of Law in Development
The Contours and Functioning of Labour Markets
Labour Market Institutions and Their Impact
Techniques for Labour Regulation and Analyzing Their Impact
Day 4: Digital Economy and Labour Regulation
Understanding the Law and Economics of Labour Regulation in the Digital Era
The Employment Relationship as a Regulatory Device
Different Forms of Employment and Labour Market Segmentation
Group Discussion: Adapting Labour Regulation for Digital Workforce
Day 5: Inclusivity, Globalization, and Governance
Labour Regulation's Impact on Vulnerable Groups
The Influence of Trade, International Financial Institutions, and Global Supply Chains
Governance in Labour Regulation: Roles of the State and Social Partners
Interactive Workshop: Developing Effective Labour Policies