22 Sep - 3 Oct 2025
London (UK)
Hotel : Landmark Office Space - Oxford Street
Cost : 9000 € Euro
The term “procurement” refers to the process of acquiring goods, works and services.
The process spans the whole cycle from identification of needs through to the end of a services contract or the useful life of an asset.
In this program you will learn about...
This comprehensive program empowers participants with the: Current Best Practices in Key areas of Procurement.
Last few years have seen the greatest transformation in Procurement Tendering practices than had happened in the last 100 years.
Quality Assurance, TQM, IT and E-Procurement Business Models have evolved that have dramatically increased procurement effectiveness and reduced procurement costs to upto 10% of what they used to be!! (900% savings on 95% of procured items). Experience of the leaders tell full story: British Telecom, BP, Oil Producers and Refiners, Utilities, Automobile Giants all have implemented Procurement Systems to dramatically make similar saving.
This program also prepares you for
A Must-Attend program for Procurement and Management Staff. A great opportunity to exchange ideas with other procurement professionals from your area.
Week 1
Week 2