16 - 20 Nov 2025
Dubai (UAE)
Hotel : Residence Inn by Marriott Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai
Cost : 4900 € Euro
With increasing concerns about climate change, carbon footprint, and energy production, there are a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings concerning the subject. This course will try to clear up these misunderstandings and misconceptions by going into some depth about the various forms of energy production, their environmental impacts, waste management issues, and the global challenges in these areas that we all have to deal with. As the push is on now to moving towards a low carbon future, organizations have to ensure that their staff is being kept current and informed.
Workshops, DVD videos, and classroom exercises will be used during the seminar to enhance the learning process.
Learn about the various types of energy production, their positives and negatives, cost comparisons and which ones are being recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
An in-depth look at Sustainability
Calculation of Carbon Footprints
The significance of Climate Change and Why a global perspective with global input is necessary
Why Waste Management issues and the availability of Water are important components of the equation
Learn about the concept of Zero Waste and the benefits of an integrated Waste Management System
The course will encourage delegates’ participation and the atmosphere in the classroom will be tailored to asking questions and the delegates will be made to feel welcome in a stress-free atmosphere. The instructor has worked in a nuclear power station and fossil-fuelled generation stations (oil, coal, and natural gas) will share some technical practical experiences during some of the discussions.
The organization, based on the training received by its employees at the course, will be more aware of sustainability and carbon footprint issues at the plant and be able to advise/recommend solutions when requested. This usually results in improved productivity
As climate change is now a global issue, and the informed employees will be able to differentiate between misconceptions and factual information on this issue.
Enhanced reputation of the organization in the community knowing that the company is doing its part concerning reducing its carbon footprint
Concerning energy production, by knowing the positives and negatives of each form of energy production and their relative costs, the informed employee can make the appropriate recommendations for optimizing the plant’s current energy-producing method and also offer some valuable input if a new energy-producing method is planned
By addressing any real or potential contamination problems, the company is proactive in doing its part in minimizing any adverse environmental impacts from its operations
An improved image of the organization with the Regulatory Authorities
Personal satisfaction of the employee knowing that the organization is providing the necessary information required for him/her to stay current on energy, carbon, and environmental issues
Risk Reduction knowledge which will provide lasting benefits both personally and professionally
Information acquired during the course will contribute to a safer working environment
The personal psychological advantage of an employee doing his or her part concerning one of the recommendations of UNEP ( United Nations Environmental Program) – “Think Globally, Act Locally”
Personal pride in being part of an organization that’s committed to protecting the environment and preventing pollution
Personal pride in having the necessary information to discuss what’s known and what’s not known about climate change issues
An overview of the course material that will be covered in the 5 days
A detailed look at the various forms of energy used for electrical production and their positives and negatives
A fossil (oil, natural gas, and coal)
Canadian Oil Sands and Gulf Coast Countries oil (similarities and differences)
Class Exercise
Hydro Electric
Combined Cycle
Fuel Cell
Electrochemical (batteries)
Emerging Technologies
Class Exercise
Carbon Footprints calculations
Environmental Risks
ISO 18001
Class Exercise
Sustainability issues
Related International Environment Treaties
Availability of Water
Water banking
Class Exercise
Climate Change and its significance for the Gulf Coast Countries
Integrated Waste Management System
Waste disposal & the concept of Zero Waste
Environmental Ethics
Moving towards a low carbon future (carbon negative)
Generic recommendations concerning “greening” your company at a reasonable cost
Complete course review