16 - 27 Jun 2025
London (UK)
Hotel : Landmark Office Space - Oxford Street
Cost : 9000 € Euro
Communicate organizational goals that get results
Improve communication with your team and set expectations for yourself and your direct reports
Adapt your leadership style to meet the needs of individual team members
Apply delegation strategies to increase productivity and motivation
Use effective coaching techniques to maximize your team’s performance
Fully understand your management roles and responsibilities
If you are a Manager with up to 3 years of experience who wants to improve your management skills, this program is right for
Typical participants are newly appointed Managers in different business units and departments (Sales, Marketing,
Operations, Accounting & Finance, HR, Manufacturing, etc)
Day 1:
Identify the challenges to effective performance management
Understand and conduct performance planning, facilitation, and evaluation
Practice the skill of setting goals, providing effective feedback and conducting alignment discussions
Effective Communication
Recognize what effective communication really is
Day 2:
Know the barriers that can cause derailment and misunderstanding
Identify the relative importance of face-to-face communication
Get a firm grasp of the five building blocks of managerial communication
Learn to match the right communication method with your communication goal
Day 3:
Identify the challenges and practices when communicating virtually
Understanding and Appreciating Leadership: The Art of Influencing Others
How to develop people, value differences and encourage honest communication
Develop your leadership style to gain commitment from employees
Match your leadership style to your developmental needs and task at hand
Day 3:
Coaching for Performance
How does coaching develop, enhance and achieve goals
Know the requirements and importance of coaching
Practice coaching and correcting difficult and challenging behaviors
Identify the differences between coaching and discipline
Creating a Motivational Climate
Day 4:
Define motivation and your role in creating a motivational setting
The cost of demotivation and disengagement
Recognize important elements of the motivational process
Create your own practice for building a motivational climate
Delegation for Growth and Development
Day 5:
Understand the different types of delegation
Know the benefits and challenges of delegation
Recognize your comfort with a delegation
How to conduct an effective delegation conversation
Practice your delegation skills