Leadership & Strategic

Training Course: Creative Strategic Planning and Leadership

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27 Oct - 7 Nov 2025

Rome (Italy)

Cost : 9100 € Euro


This seminar is designed to provide leaders and professionals with a set of transformational tools and techniques to help them maximize their own and their team’s creative potential in a strategic context. Its starting-point is self-discovery: participants will work on the inside first and then focus outwards to impact on the world of business.

The focus of the first week of this 2-week seminar will be on thinking in different ways. Participants should be prepared to move out of their comfort zone and experiment with new ways of creating and communicating an inspiring leadership vision.

The second week helps demystify the frequently-misunderstood concept of ‘strategy’. Whilst focusing on the analytical disciplines on which a a successful strategy is based, it centers on strategic planning as a value-adding process that harnesses the leader’s and the team’s ability to combine analysis with creative thinking and enables ideas and plans to be nurtured through to reality.

The highlights of the course are as follows.

  • Demonstrating how to balance analytical and creative thinking in plans and decisions

  • Understanding how to discover and focus the creative capabilities of teams and individuals

  • Understanding the linkage between operational and strategic management

  • Aligning your own responsibilities and objectives with the strategy of your organization

  • Improving personal leadership and management competencies

The seminar is split into two modules:

MODULE 1 - Leading Creatively

MODULE 2 - Strategy & Strategic Planning

Each module is structured and can be taken as a stand-alone course; however, delegates will maximize their benefits by taking Module 1 and 2 back-to-back as a two-week seminar.


By the end of this program you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate innovative methods for harnessing others’ creative potential

  • Communicate your vision in refreshing and engaging ways

  • Define the concepts of ‘strategy’ and ‘strategic plans’

  • Understand and explain visionary thinking as part of the strategic process and apply strategic planning to your own management issues

  • Place your own part of the organization within the overall context of corporate strategy

  • Gain confidence in managing your own contribution to strategic implementation


This seminar uses a range of approaches to learning, including experiential group activities, individual visioning exercises, case studies, and syndicate discussions, to allow you to see and feel for yourself the power of the creative mind in a strategic context. Formal inputs are used to introduce a limited amount of underpinning theory. A key part of the learning process is sharing the differing experiences participants bring, as well as experimenting with a novel – and sometimes challenging – techniques. In the second module, the course leader will use case examples based on organizations with which he has been personally involved. There will be additional presentations on DVD from world-leading authorities in the fields of strategy formulation and strategic management. There will also be group work on a major case study.

Organizational Impact 

  • Leaders at all levels who can develop and communicate a shared vision

  • Leaders who can engage and motivate their teams

  • Increased effectiveness against personal KPI’s through more effective use of team

  • Much better decision-making and time/resource allocation - leading to better organizational and individual performance

  • Introduction of strategic thinking into new levels of the organization

  • Top management having more confidence in the ability and judgment of its operating managers and the staff will have a better appreciation of the need and content of organizational change

Personal Impact

  • Increasing career flexibility (vertically and horizontally)

  • Accelerated thinking speed and problem resolution for difficult dilemmas

  • Improved understanding of the impact of operational specialization on corporate strategy

  • Improved teamworking capabilities in analyzing and solving strategic problems creatively

  • Improved skills in ensuring the most effective impact of individual specializations

  • Greater motivation through multiple organizational levels


Module I

Leading Creatively

Day 1:

Creative Problem-Solving

  • Leadership Reality Assessment

  • Leadership Vs Management

  • Understanding Our Brain Function

  • Myths of Creativity

  • The limitations of the rational

  • Divergent approaches to problem-solving

  • Letting go of logic

  • Analogous thinking modes

  • Convergent and divergent modes

Day 2:

Overcoming Personal Blockers to Creativity

  • Sigmoid Curve - Lifecycle Model

  • Continuous Improvement

  • Breakthrough step change

  • Self-awareness and the nature of the ego

  • Personal goal alignment

  • Adaption and innovation: personal preferences for creating meaning

  • Exploring attitudes to risk

  • Left- and right-brain thinking

Day 3:

Developing the Vision Creatively

  • Six thinking hats

  • Using differing thinking styles

  • Johari's window

  • The business plan process & creating a vision

  • Harnessing the power of the team

  • Organizational culture and its influence on innovation

  • Letting go of the ego

  • Working with different creative preferences

Day 4:

Communicating the Vision Creatively

  • The 7 Step Creative Process

  • Models of communication

  • Viral visioning

  • Authenticity and trust

  • Creativity tools, techniques & strategy

  • Letting go of the vision

  • Leading without directing

  • Possible leadership beliefs

Day 5:

From Ideas to Action: Creativity and Change

  • Motivation - Hierarchy of Needs

  • Overcoming organizational barriers to creativity and change

  • Nurturing a learning environment

  • Is Money a motivator?

  • Personality Profiling

  • Building a creative consensus

  • Engaging stakeholders creatively

  • Influencing and motivating through change

Module II

Strategy & Strategic Planning

Day 6:

Strategic Thinking and Business Analysis

  • What are strategy and strategic planning?

  • Why are strategy and strategic planning important?

  • What are the main conceptual frameworks?

  • External analysis - understanding and analyzing business attractiveness - macro-environmental factors, growth drivers, competitive forces, market dynamics

  • Benchmarking your own strategic position/competitor analysis

  • Analyzing customers

  • “Thinking backward from the customer”

  • Mini-case on importance of external analysis

Day 7:

Internal Analysis and Fusion of Analyses into Strategic Options

  • The interface of external and internal analysis

  • Internal analysis: financial

  • Internal analysis; non-financial

  • The concept and practicalities of the “balanced scorecard”

  • Diagnosing strategic problems and opportunities

  • A fusion of analyses into strategic choices - SWOT and the strategy matrix

  • Case examples of strategic choice

  • Mini-case on importance of internal analysis

Day 8:

Strategic Plans and the Relevance of Alliances and Joint Ventures

  • Review of the tools used so far

  • The content of a strategy: avoiding “paralysis by analysis”

  • Putting a strategic plan together – the 5-page framework

  • A real-life example of a business strategy/strategic plan

  • Strategies for alliances and joint ventures

  • Example of best practice in alliances and joint ventures

  • Introduction and briefing for the main case study

  • First-phase group work on the main case study

Day 9:

Global Strategy, Teambuilding and the Management of Internal Communication

  • The essence of globalization and global strategy

  • Globalization – the strategic dimension

  • Globalization – the organizational dimension

  • Globalization – the human dimension

  • How to build and manage a strategic planning team

  • Communicating strategy through the organization

  • Gaining your team’s commitment and buy-in to the strategy

  • Second-phase work on the main case study

Day 10:

Strategic Implementation and Getting the Value Out of Strategy

  • Final-phase work on the main case study

  • Group presentations of the main case study

  • Effective execution - converting strategic analysis and planning into action

  • Linking strategy with operational objectives

  • Implementation – getting practical things done

  • Strategic planning of your own career

  • Creating tomorrow’s organization out of today’s organization

  • Conclusion - the corporate and individual value of strategic thinking

Leadership & Strategic

Training Course: Creative Strategic Planning and Leadership

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Discount Group Download Brochure (41)


27 Oct - 7 Nov 2025

Rome (Italy) -

Cost: 9100 € Euro

  About Rome

As cosmopolitan and diverse as it is rooted in its own history, Rome is one of the premier tourist destinations in the world. Featuring some of the best restaurants on the continent, some of the most iconic historic sites in Europe, the city is widely regarded as one of the most exciting and dynamic places to visit anywhere. The center of the Renaissance, the city houses some of the most famous works of art in the world and remains an important cultural hub to this day. Famous for art, fashion, it's delicious local cuisine, and superbly preserved monuments, Rome truly offers something for everyone.

  Things to do and places to visit in Rome

When disembarking, the first thing that can prove pleasantly challenging is deciding on what to do first! An exceptional array of hotels and inns are available to any weary traveler, as are a superb range of restaurants for those wanting to relax surrounded by the hustle and bustle of Rome in the evening. You can spend the day walking streets steeped in history, visiting galleries that contain works by Caravaggio and Michelangelo or exploring the awe-inspiring Colosseum. The city contains many beautifully maintained parks and gardens, as well as a vast collection of beautiful churches and cathedrals, ensuring that a trip to Rome will be a memorable experience for anyone.

Things to do when taking flights to Rome include:

  • Standing inside the magnificent Colosseum.
  • Gazing in awe at the stunning Castel Sant'Angelo.
  • Visiting the incredible Pantheon, one of the best-maintained buildings from the Roman era.
  • Stopping at the center of the Piazza del Popolo, one of the most beautiful squares in Europe.
  • Walking the beautiful gardens of Villa Borghese.
  • Admiring the vast, intricately carved Column of Marcus Aurelius.
  • Wandering the Forum Romanum, ruins from the Ancient Roman period.
  • Exploring some of the greatest art collections in Europe.
  • Crossing the river on the remarkably-constructed Bridge of Angels.
  • Sampling the world famous local cuisine.
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