17 - 21 Nov 2025
London (UK)
Hotel : Landmark Office Space - Oxford Street
Cost : 5500 € Euro
Obtaining fair and reasonable pricing from contractors and suppliers is a primary objective for all businesses and governments. Evaluating prices through Cost and Price analysis are essential skill sets in meeting these objectives Those involved in these activities understand well the significant challenges in this ever-changing business environment and also that there exist significant opportunities for improvement by providing best practice competencies to all those involved in contract and procurement activities. Attending this program will provide insight into:
Managing Cost and Prices in Volatile Market Conditions
Obtaining Better Pricing for the Original Contracts and Changes
Understanding the Methods Contractors use for Pricing
Understanding the Elements of Price that Make up the Price
The Importance Of Price/Cost Analysis In Continuous Improvement Programmes
The Difference Between Price And Cost Analysis
Criteria For Selecting The Analysis Type
Methods Of Price Analysis
Knowledge of Supplier Strategic Alliances
Analytical Tools for Cost Drivers
Methods Of Cost Analysis
Development Of "Should Cost"
Types Of TCO Models
Participants will increase competencies through a variety of instructional methods including a lecture by an experienced practitioner and consultant, cases/exercises, reviewing published articles, checklists, and group discussions covering current practices and their relationship to the implementation of best practices.
Delegates are encouraged to bring real problem examples with them, for discussion on a confidential basis, and to share their experience of particular issues in their company or industry. Time will be allowed for general discussions, and for one-to-one discussion with the consultant.
This program provides both strategic and practical insights into the concepts of Contract Cost/Price/Value Analysis and Total Cost of Ownership that are essential skill sets in developing and implementing the strategies required for continuous improvement.
DAY 1 - Defining Cost Savings Opportunities
Reducing The Cost Of Purchased Goods And Services
Contract’s Savings Impact On The Bottom Line
Understanding Where To Focus Your Efforts
Supplier Pricing Models
Develop Opportunity Hypotheses
Cost Reduction Reporting Procedure
DAY 2 - Performing Price Analysis
Difference Between Cost And Price Analysis
Selection Tool
Methods Of Price Analysis
Historical Analysis
Using Price Indexes
Calculating Change
Developing the Organization’s Contract Price Index
DAY 3 - Performing Cost Analysis
Methods Of Cost Analysis
Major Elements Of Cost
What And How Important Are Supplier Overheads
Developing “Should Costs”
Requesting Supplier Cost Info
Issues In Analyzing Supplier Cost Breakdown
How much Profit should the Supplier make
DAY 4 - Other Important Valuation Criteria
Industry Analysis
Global Industrial Labor Rates
Working With Currency Exchange Rates
Total Costs Of Ownership Models
Reengineering Processes to reduce Cost
Cost Volume Profit Analysis
DAY 5 - Controlling Contract Pricing in Volatile Markets
Dealing in Volatile Economic Situations
Contract Economic Adjustment Clauses
Continuous Improvement Methods
Early Supplier Involvement
Reducing Waste In The Supply Chain
Savings Reporting
Get The Big Savings Now