28 Jul - 1 Aug 2025
London (UK)
Hotel : Landmark Office Space - Oxford Street
Cost : 5500 € Euro
In all organizations, Human Resources is the greatest expense, so it is important that the administration of Compensation and Benefits is of the highest quality. Well, trained Remuneration staff are able to monitor the systems in place and add a strategic perspective.
This exciting new program looks at the basic building blocks of effective benefits administration and then goes on to explore the Strategic dimensions - how the whole process can add ‘value for money’ and help the organization achieve its objectives.
The Strategic dimension will focus on the current strategic issues facing organizations today – how to design strategies to cope with change in the societal setting and how to cope with change in the organizational context. We will look at the question of how organizations can encourage participation and engagement and still achieve organizational objectives and profitability.
Delegates can expect to develop a ‘toolkit’ of useful practices that will allow them to scrutinize the existing practices in their organizations and compare them to current good practices.
As a result of attending this workshop delegates will have developed a clearer understanding of Reward philosophy and strategy
Have a better understanding of how the component parts of reward strategy fit together
To explore some of the issues surrounding the effective management of the human resource
To understand why ‘staff’ are the most expensive resource of the organization
To evaluate ‘new’ practices that might benefit your organization
The workshop uses a variety of learning methods, including mini-lectures, extended case studies, and self-questionnaires. There will also be small group work, class discussion and multimedia training aids. We will use video clips and up-to-date news items.
For delegates to be able to contribute effectively to the compensation and benefits practice and strategy in their organization.
Delegates will be:
More effective, and contribute more to the what and how of reward management
Have a firm methodological underpinning of compensation and benefit management
Clearer about what a Benefits strategy should look like and contain
And how to develop an appropriate benefits strategy
Delegates will be better able to contribute more strongly on how to distribute reward
Delegates will be able to use tools and techniques to help managers be more effective in remuneration planning and strategy
Delegates will have discussed and practiced some key approaches to strategic design
Delegates will be better able to contribute more strongly on how to distribute reward
Reward management
Compensation and benefits
Strategic design
Self - development
Day One
Compensation and Benefits - Good Organizational Practice
Philosophy of reward
Pay structures and systems
The psychological contract
Reward strategies
Job grades
Career mapping
Job evaluation
Pay surveys
Day Two
Compensation and Benefits - in Context
Motivation Models
Performance management
Competency frameworks
Performance-related pay
Money and motivation
Team rewards
Upward appraisal
360 appraisal
Contingent pay
Day Three
The International Perspective
International Perspectives
Multinational perspectives
The labour market and Human Resource Planning
Equality and Diversity
Recognition schemes
Discrimination and diversity
Equal pay
Equal pay audits
Job analysis
Change Management
Dynamic organisations
Change management strategies
The changing context and nature of the employment relationship
Day Four
Employee Involvement
Employee engagement
Employee participation
Trades Unions and Works Councils
Day Five
Current Good Practice
Flexible benefits
National minimum wage
Sales staff
Profit sharing
Case study
Review of learning
Action planning