6 - 10 Oct 2025
London (UK)
Hotel : Landmark Office Space - Oxford Street
Cost : 5500 € Euro
This training is designed by the Project Finance Certified Specialist Program to provide a critical core body of knowledge and skills in project finance and financial modeling.
An IP3 Project Finance Specialist Certification validates a breadth of knowledge acquired through immersive training in financial modeling and contractual structuring.
Specialists will develop skills including:
Developing an effective feasibility study screening process based on financial data analysis
Identifying and allocating the various risks associated with each project to the appropriate stakeholder
Constructing and creating financing models that calculate value-for-money (VfM) and public sector comparator (PSC) benchmarks, and that evaluate feasibility assumptions and net present values (NPV)
Preparing sensitivity analyses to stress test the project’s cash flows, projected internal rate of return (IRR), and debt service coverage ratios (DSCR)
Assessing the underlying economic and financial assumptions contained in the financial models developed by the private sector
Identifying and understanding sources of finance, including both equity and debt
Communicating and discussing findings with stakeholders
Advance your skills and create a positive impact within your current role
Become more marketable and mobile
Generate added opportunities for professional growth
Increase your income potential with additional expertise
gained through certification
Work with and qualify to join our distinguished faculty
Demonstrate your global and comprehensive PPP skills
National, regional, and local government officials responsible for infrastructure financial modeling
Contract officers and regulatory commissioners
Financial analysts from PPP or privatization units
Public servants, utility managers, executives, and financial experts
Audit or project managers
Staff of bilateral and multilateral international organizations
Caveats and Issues to Consider in the Cost Benefits and Risk of VfM Evaluations
Differences between and objectives of cost-benefit analysis
and VfM analysis
Cost-benefit evaluation
Control of the socio-economic evaluation
Legal due diligence for project preparation
Public sector comparator (PSC)
Risk analysis and VfM
Selecting the best modality: Public works or PPP?
Public-private comparator
Methodological deficiencies of VfM analysis
Caveats, issues, and control of the risks and VfM evaluation
Caveats and controls of the PPP financial evaluation
Main risks, pitfalls, and mistakes in PPP contracts
Introduction to PPP Comprehensive Cost-Benefit Analysis
The economic and financial perspective of PPPs
Understanding the stages that comprise the PPP comprehensive cost-benefit analysis
Common language of comprehensive cost-benefit analysis
PPP Traditional Cost-Benefit Analysis
The socio-economic evaluation of infrastructure projects
Understanding the added value of socio-economic evaluation
Differences between project socio-economic evaluation and investment projects’ financial evaluation
Differences between the socio-economic evaluation of PPP projects and the convenience analysis of PPP modalities
Project Screening and Eligibility Analysis
Identifying and selecting PPP projects at an early stage of the project development cycle
Key success factors for PPP projects
Tools for identifying and selecting PPP projects
Eligibility index
PPP Risk Analysis: Identification and Hierarchy
Risk analysis steps
Essential tools for risk analysis
The importance of PPP risk analysis identification & Hierarchization
International Experience in PPPs: Best Practices and Lessons Learned
Outcomes of PPPs around the world
Common problems of structured PPP
New trends and innovations
Chilean PPP Model
Key elements to facilitate PPP financing in Chile
PPP case studies
PPP Risk Analysis Valuation
Statistical techniques for risk valuation
Cost of risk
Financial Modeling of PPPs
Operation of a financial model
Issues in determining cost of capital
Weighted average cost of capital (WACC)
Deconstructing a PPP Financial Model
The main worksheets of a financial model
Debt service coverage ratio (DSCR)
Minimum DSCRs for PPPs
Value for Money: The Public-Private Comparator
PPP comprehensive cost-benefit analysis (CCBA)
Value for money quantitative dimension
Risk transfer profile
Qualitative Dimension: VfM Map
Synthetic index