20 - 24 Oct 2025
London (UK)
Hotel : Landmark Office Space - Oxford Street
Cost : 5500 € Euro
The Certified Government Auditing Professional certification program is designed especially for auditors working in the public sector at all levels — federal/national, state/provincial, local, quasi-governmental, or crown authority — and is an excellent professional credential that prepares you for the many challenges you face in this demanding environment.
Make CGAP be Your Key to Opportunity
Whether you are seeking a promotion, exploring a position outside your organization, or simply pursuing professional development opportunities to help you tackle increasingly complex responsibilities while preparing for future challenges, a training course can:
Help you gain credibility and respect in the field.
Enhance your skills and knowledge.
Demonstrate your commitment to the profession.
The Premier Resource for Public Sector Auditors
Understand and apply required standards for governmental auditing
Successfully provide a wide range of audit services in the public sector
Use current audit methodologies and techniques in public sector audits
Describe the government auditor’s evolving role in accountability and results management.
Day 1: Standards, Governance and Risk/Control Frameworks
The Institute of Internal Auditors, International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)
Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) (the Yellow Book)
International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI)
International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) standard
Governance in the Public Sector
Role of internal audit within the governance structure
Committee on Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) Internal Control Framework
Day 2: Government Auditing Practice
Management of the audit function
Types of audit services (financial, performance, compliance, and internal control audits)
Other audit services and consulting roles
Processes for the delivery of audit services
Performing and managing individual projects
Day 3: Government Auditing Skills and Techniques
Management concepts and techniques
Performance measurement
Program evaluation
Quantitative and Qualitative methods
Methods for identification and investigation of integrity violations
Analytical skills
Day 4 and 5: Government Auditing Environment
Performance management
Financial management
Implications of various service delivery methods
Implications of delivering services to citizens
Unique characteristics of human resource management in the public sector
Unique purchasing and procurement requirements in the public sector