14 - 18 Apr 2025
London (UK)
Hotel : Landmark Office Space - Oxford Street
Cost : 5500 € Euro
This course builds on the methods and techniques introduced in the BPTrends Associates’ course, Introduction to Business Process Modeling, Analysis, and Design. It uses the same methodology and approach and assumes a familiarity with basic modeling techniques and provides more in-depth information about the analysis, measurement, and redesign techniques. Where the first-class stresses basic diagramming and analysis techniques, this class examines advanced techniques. We will, for example, consider how to prioritize a set of processes for a redesign. This class will consider a new case study and give students a chance to work through the entire case study. We will drill deeper into the methodology to solve some of the more complex problems encountered in process redesign, focusing on both innovation and improvement techniques
Participants in this training program will learn:
How to use a number of advanced process analysis and redesign techniques
How to deal with a number of more complex redesign problems
How to determine when to apply more advanced process analysis techniques over traditional approaches
How to develop and manage a process change project
How to use BPTrends’ diagrams and worksheets to quickly scope a project and define project milestones and gates
How to choose and use the right tools required to assure you maintain project control
How to maintain the balance between quality and scope with time and cost
How to build and present a business case for a process change project
Understand advanced process analysis techniques and when to use them
Understand how to prioritize a set of processes for improvement
Understand how to model-specific sets of procedures
Understand various ways of measuring process performance
Understand how to organize a BPM project team
Understand the basics of planning and scheduling a BPM project
Understand the principles of change management and the importance of communication with both internal and external stakeholders
Understand how to communicate and gain project acceptance
Understand the contents and structure of the BPM deliverables created during each phase of a change project
This class is designed for business, process, and systems analysts as well as process improvement project managers with some process project experience who are interested in expanding their knowledge, understanding, and skills in order to solve more challenging process problems.
This training course is intended for individuals who have participated in process improvement projects and wish to broaden their knowledge and capabilities.
This program is an interactive mixture of lectures, presentations, discussions, activities, and practice in the business process management advanced masterclass. It provides definitions, examples, discussion, and activities designed to promote skill building with interaction and discussion among participants. Activities and work on practice case studies are used to deliberately highlight the concepts taught and allow participants to practice new skills.
The methods used to deliver this workshop are:
Learning concepts/Presentations.
Role Plays and case studies
Group activities and discussion
Individual and team exercises
T,tips, tools, and techniques
Educational videos
Day 1
Advanced Techniques for Process Improvement and Innovation
Review of the BPTrends Methodology
The Victoria Hotel Case
Drilling Down into the Scope & Flow of a Problem
Day 2
Measures and analysis process
KPIs and Project Measures
Modeling and Analyzing Service Processes
Modeling & Analyzing Customer Processes
Analyzing Decisions with Business Rules
Day 3
Prioritizing, Managing Process and Techniques
Advanced Techniques
Prioritizing Processes for Redesign
Managing Processes on a Daily Basis
Business Process Project Management Essentials
BP Redesign Project Overview and Structure
Project Commitment
Deliverable Acceptance
Checkpoint Reviews
Project Scheduling
Status Reporting
Communication and Change Management
Day 5
BP Project Management Essentials by Phase
Phase Advice
Phase Deliverables
Phase Key Checkpoints
Phase Activities