This BRM Pricing Foundation 7.5 with Pricing Design Center training will help you develop an in-depth understanding of how to build price plans using Oracle Communications Pricing Design Center. Work with expert Oracle University instructors.
Participants in this training program will learn to:
- Describe the pricing model and rating concepts.
- Design price plans using the Pricing Design Center.
- Test price plans prior to implementation.
- Price planning and design with the Oracle Communications Pricing Design Center.
Personal Benefits
By investing in this course, you'll get the chance to explore pricing concepts, including building products with a tiered rating and creating bundles with product dependencies. You'll also walk away with the knowledge and skills to implement different types of discounts in pricing. During the hands-on lab exercises, you'll build and test several different types of price plans.
Target Audience
This course is intended for:
Training Objectives
- Configure charges based on time, quantity, zones, and other attributes in PDC
- Configure charge offers with included balances and rollovers
- Describe the pricing concepts and terminology
- Translate a product offering into pricing components
- Describe the key tasks that a user can perform in PDC
- Create setup data components that are required to create the pricing components
- Create one-time, recurring, and usage charges
- Create discounts
- Create bundles, packages, and package lists
- Verify the pricing configuration by generating activity in Oracle Communications BRM Elastic Charging Engine
Training Outlines
Introduction to Pricing
- Describe the pricing and charging concepts and terminology
- Describe the pricing components hierarchy and pricing components
Translating Product Offerings
- Identify the pricing components for a given business scenario
- Identify how to measure events and understand balance impacts
Overview of the Pricing Design Center
- Describe the tasks that a user can perform in Oracle Communications Pricing Design Center (PDC)
- Describe changesets
- Describe the PDC architecture
- Explain Target Engine profiles
Configuring Charge Offers
- Describe types of charge offer
- Create and configure charge offers with basic charges
- Configure validity and rollover
- Configure charges based on the quantity of an event
Configuring Discount Offers
- Create and configure discount offers and discounts
- Create discount filters and triggers
Bundling Product Offerings
- Describe the features of bundles, packages, and package lists
- Create bundles and packages and add them to the package lists
Testing Product Offerings
- Creating an account with Customer Center
- Generating sample ECE usage and ratings the usage
- Loading the rated events into the BRM Server database
- Verifying the usage charges
- Billing the account
Attribute-Based Charging Using Selectors
- Describe attribute-based charging
- Describe selectors
- Create Charge, Discount, and Generic selectors
- Describe the steps to create a friends-and-family discount
- Use generic selectors in a charge
Time-Based and Zone-Based Charging
- Describe time-based charging
- Describe and create a time model and Special day calendar
- Describe zone-based charging
- Describe and create zone models
- Create a charge based on the time and zone of the event
Configuring Bundles with Included Balances
- Configure bundles Charge and Discount offers
- Create Charge and Discount offers with included balance