10 - 14 Nov 2025
London (UK)
Hotel : Landmark Office Space - Oxford Street
Cost : 5500 € Euro
At the core of this programme, we use trusted instruments to measure your personal style when in conflict and we will coach you through the issues that arise from the results of the tests.
In this stretching and insightful programme, we use the famous Thomas Kilmann (TKI) Conflict Resolution Instrument. This tool has been used by all top organisations to create collaborative teams for exceptional performance.
Know the 4 areas for conflict
Use The Thomas Kilmann Model for greater awareness and effectiveness
Recognise differing behaviours and learn to adapt to them in order to build lasting collaboration
Build effective communication Skills for increased collaboration and productivity
Give and receive feedback on performance and perception openly
Implement and create workable communication action plans
Know the 10 most difficult types and how to deal with them
Gain a greater awareness of yourself and your full leadership potential
Manage relationships with others effectively, from level one through to level four competency in all areas
Understand the key drivers for lasting change
Understand the need to take responsibility for leading change
Understand how to be a Champion of Change
Participants will learn by active participation during the program through the use of exercises, syndicate and group discussion, training videos, and discussions on relevant types of accidents and "real life" issues in their organizations.
Executives and high-level managers taking on additional strategic leadership responsibilities, who are looking to sharpen their skills in Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies. Middle managers contribute to the strategies and execution of an organization.
Day 1
Conflict Management
Welcome, Introductions and objective setting
What do we mean by the term: Conflict Management”?
Where and when does conflict happen?
Our reaction to conflict
Exercise: TheCommunicationBridge
DVD: Window on the World of Difficult People
How to avoid misunderstanding
The 4 steps to effective Conflict Management
Day 2
The Skills of Conflict Resolution
The 4 behaviours that get results
The Assertiveness Framework
Exercise: I want to borrow your car tonight
Questioning Skills
Listening for results
Beyond Listening
Day 3
Conflict Resolution
The Thomas Kilmann (TKI) Conflict Resolution Instrument
The 2 types of communication
Exercise: Building collaboration quickly and easily
Exercise: A Trip to the Theatre!
DVD The Ten Most Difficult Types
The 4 results of every communication
Exercise: Win as Much as You Can!
Day 4
Change Management
Change Exercise: The Ball
Personal growth and change strategies
The change curve
The 5 stages of change
Kotter’s 8 steps to effective change
The Burning Platform
Making change stick
Change Exercise: Risk it!
Day 5
High-Level Conflict Resolution
The Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire
Your EI Strengths
Exercise: Would I lie to you?
Dealing with liars
Facilitating a dispute
The Saboteur
The Secret to dealing with people
Exercise: The Pommelon