19 - 23 May 2025
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Hotel : Grand Hotel Amrâth Amsterdam
Cost : 5500 € Euro
Managing an office has become an increasingly sophisticated and complex job. The increased demand for speed and accuracy, knowledge of new technology, and an increasingly diverse workforce bring challenges and also opportunities for growth. This dynamic and in-depth course explores some of the more advanced skills which can help an office manager to work more confidently, creatively and effectively.
Prioritize your daily responsibilities to achieve maximum output
Streamline your work practices and office environment
Communicate effectively and assertively at all levels
Understand yourself and others thereby improving interactions and relationships
Use techniques to help you think creatively, solve problems, plan, and make decisions
Learn how to prioritize and cope with multiple tasks
Learn how to think as a manager – planning, making decisions and solving problems
Learn how to improve their communication skills to enhance their relationships
Learn to manage your thoughts and feelings and improve self-confidence
Learn how to be assertive and therefore more effective in the workplace
Understand and develop intrapersonal and interpersonal skills
The program will be interactive and practical; with learning, methods to suit every kind of learning preference. There will be activities in groups and pairs as well as individual exercises and everyone will get an opportunity to discuss their work challenges in a supportive environment. There will also be opportunity to practice assertive communication skills through role-play and to present a presentation towards the end of the week.
Substantial increase in motivation and confidence
In-depth understanding of the principles and practices of successful office managers
More calm and satisfying work-life through stress management and self-awareness
Greater self-respect and communication impact through learning to speak assertively
Overcoming fear of public speaking and creating an effective presentation
Knowing how to get organized and stay on top of your tasks and time
More proactive confident team players
Increased creativity and productivity
More motivated customer-focused staff
Reduced absenteeism and illness through reduced stress levels
Greater harmony through increased self-awareness and interpersonal skills
More productive meetings and better time management
Time Management – prioritizing and productivity
Setting up paperwork systems which work
Planning, decision making, and problem-solving skills
Communication skills
Self Management – including stress management and emotional intelligence
Day One
Taking Control of Your Work Life
Understanding and clarifying purpose, vision and mission
The secret to working smarter rather than harder
Controlling, prioritizing and organizing your work
Streamlining your office systems
Getting your paperwork under control
Making your office user friendly and efficient
Day Two
Essential Administrative Skills
Harnessing the power of the mind – through Mind Mapping Techniques
Managing larger projects to meet deadlines
Planning skills – using a Gannt chart to chart work progress
Problem-solving techniques
Decision-Making tools
Managing meetings effectively
Day Three
Vital Communication Skills
Different styles of communication
Learning to be more assertive
Win-win conflict resolution
Understanding and using body language
Understanding gender differences in communication
Understanding different personality types and how to deal with them
Day Four
Developing a set of professional skills
Listening skills – seeking to understand before being understood
Creating a professional image
Leadership skills
How to make presentations with confidence and power
Learn the essentials of planning a presentation
Best practices for delivering positive feedback
Day Five
Self-Empowerment and Self-Management
Understanding the main causes of stress
The signs, symptoms, causes, and triggers to stress
The essential skills of emotional intelligence
Using emotional intelligence at work
Transforming fear and negativity and reactive-ness
Becoming a more proactive, responsible and self-aware person
Continuing Professional Development - where to go from here