21 - 25 Apr 2025
London (UK)
Hotel : Landmark Office Space - Oxford Street
Cost : 5500 € Euro
In a world crowded with knowledge and information, as well as the challenges facing the informatics world in terms of organizing information, classifying and documenting it in various containers, and facilitating mechanisms for accessing it in a timely manner, and in a world where modern technologies are making amazing and rapid steps in order to help individuals and institutions manage information. Information is no longer just a kind of luxury that societies or organizations can boast of but has become an essential pillar in the development of society and the achievement of the desired well-being. Information and communication technology has entered all social, scientific, and human fields. Fundamental to maximizing the human thought and mind with computers, networks, modern means of communication, artificial intelligence, and expert systems.
At the end of the training program, the participants will be able to:
Improve creative leadership skills.
Improve the ability to creative thinking.
Learn how to achieve creative leadership in leadership.
Improve the ability to deal with changes and various challenges in the practical environment.
Promote cooperation and teamwork in the team
Knowing the role of technology and the information revolution in driving innovation and administrative excellence.
Understand the concept of creative leadership and apply it at work.
Improving the ability to think creatively and use it to solve problems.
Analyzing the working environment and identifying opportunities for improvement and innovation.
Managing changes and challenges in the working environment.
Promote communication, cooperation, and teamwork in the team
Department managers.
Assistant managers.
Holders of administrative, executive, and advisory positions.
Administrative officials in various locations and departments.
Heads of departments and those at their level in all different institutions and organizations.
Everyone who wants to develop their skills and experience sees the need for this course.
Day 1
Capabilities and Capabilities
Education, motivation, interest generation, and setting expectations.
Review concepts of cause and effect using proven success techniques.
Promote self-esteem, self-worth, and self-esteem and demonstrate the importance of personal competence.
How fear and doubt can cause backsliding. No performance ceiling
changing behaviors and responses,
The possibility of reaching what we aspire
Positive thinking versus positive knowledge
Practical sessions and advanced ideas can be used immediately to enhance efficiency and performance.
Power and Purpose
Think about what you want to achieve.
The importance of purpose setting, the definition of happiness, and two recommendations for making your dreams come true.
Why attachment to a particular cause is key to achieving success and defining values.
Twelve kinds of important targets.
Five considerations related to goal setting.
Developing Power, Purpose, and Direction the Importance of Moving Forward A seven-step exercise.
Day 2
Responsibility and accountability
The key to personal leadership is taking the initiative. The superior personality trait. Changing what you don't want.
How does the Law of Attraction work for you?
An attitude of feeling strong rather than weak. Challenge and response theory in relation to personal development.
Choice professionalism, accelerating professional development, seeking to undertake additional responsibilities,
Upgrading Your Career Developing a Positive Attitude of Mind Setting Goals Three Final Questions.
Excellence and quality
Personal excellence precedes quality of performance.
How to make yourself a necessary person for others.
The basis of job security, why outstanding performance leads to outstanding rewards, and how to be a winner.
Bad use of time, you’re rating in the grading wire.
Definition of quality, who is your customer?
The basis of promotion and progress, exceeding expectations, and commitment to quality.
Your future may be unlimited to a certain ceiling.
Day 3
The Focus
Anticipating great successes is key to personal competence.
Clarity: What are you trying to do?
Focus - The ability to work non-stop is the starting point for maximum performance.
Clear the four obstacles by achieving the most important achievements
What are your responsibilities? Prepare a list before you start, and organize the list, how best.
Applying the 80/20 Rule Dealing with the most difficult tasks, the importance of self-discipline.
Service and Satisfaction
Who is your customer? Who pays our salaries? What does it take to achieve your business satisfaction?
Customer satisfaction is the basis for the success of the activity.
Customer service is an important factor of differentiation.
Definition of strength.
Setting quality and service standards.
The importance of speed in relation to service and satisfaction.
Qualities of High Performers “Moments of truth” happen every day.
The four levels of customer satisfaction, go the extra mile.
Day 4
Collaboration and Communication
Promotion and progress are based on success with others.
The forms of intelligence that obtain the highest income in the commercial activity
How do you make people feel important?
Avoid criticism, how to become accepted by others, and the importance of appreciation.
Use praise and appreciation methods correctly
Listening builds confidence, how to listen more efficiently
The five characteristics of the most productive work units
The three types of strength you can develop
Get into a fast-track career.
Innovation and creativity
The true definition of innovation
Finding better methods of carrying out the work.
Line of sight theory of innovation.
Kaizen model “continuous improvement”.
adaptive thinking versus mechanistic thinking
List bugs, and remove obstacles to success.
Three methods of motivating the style of creating problems.
The main source of creativity and development Avoiding the three worst assumptions in the activity the seven areas in which creativity can be applied
Why are you a genius from a statistical point of view
One good idea is all you need.
Day 5
Personal and professional development
In order for things to go better, you have to develop yourself to the best.
Developing from the inside to make improvements from the outside.
Living in a knowledge-based society, the best people are the best thinkers.
Why the future is in favor of the most efficient obsolescence of knowledge.
How to ask for knowledge for life, learn to learn.
Why practical knowledge means wealth, leaders are readers, how to become one.
Develop the concept of the “winning edge” in your career, in order to earn more you have to learn more.
The importance of listening to audio tapes, exchanging time and money for knowledge, investing in yourself, and how to be the best.
Integrity and Ethics
Definition of integrity and ethics.
The most important human quality.
The basis for success in the field of work is the characteristics of the “five hundred lucky ones”.
The foundation of all relationships, keeping your integrity as something sacred, is how to be true to yourself.
Practicing the principle of “universal truth”, applying the golden rule, how to be a role model.
Contentment as a Guide to Conduct, Defining Ethical Conduct,